Friday, October 14, 2011

this little walk of faith....

I’m not great at blogging… However when something momentous happens in my life I feel the need to record this on more than just the paper of my journal.

November 2010 I began looking for a new job. ~My hearts cry was truly to go where the Lord would lead and to live a life of faith. ~
I submitted applications from Dallas to Houston and everywhere in between. It wasn’t until February that I was made aware of the “limitations” I was placing on the Lord’s plan. It only took a few minutes of arguing (God graciously listening to my complaining) for me to realize that I could not do this “half-way”. The following day I submitted applications for jobs in Lubbock, Abilene, Midland… (the western side of this so very large state).

After this act of obedience I was ready for God to move me where he saw fit… and then I waited.

“My plan” allowed for ~3 months of living with friends before beginning the next step of my life. Well I believe the problem with that began with the “My plan” part.

Looking back at all the “inconveniences” that happened I am truly blessed that my father knows best and he really does direct my path. Every detail of what I had “planned” did not work out. However these are some things that did “work out” despite my attempting to plan:

*Ten amazing months of fellowship with people that stretch and encourage me.
*The ability to wake up every morning and literally be able to say “Lord, have your way with me!”.
*A more intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father and learning how to “be still”.
* Understanding the importance of having relationships with people God puts in my life.
*Wonderful Sis and Family that took care of my pup during this time- I know God took care of Moose when I couldn’t. However he made it very clear that OUR relationship is more important and MUST come first. No exceptions~
*Good doctors and flexible work as I went through gallbladder surgery.
*Amazing “House Parents” who have listened to me whine, cry, pout, complain, and be miserable with confusion. And not only listen, but listen as my Lord listens with wisdom and direction.

I wish I could say that I now know how to wait on the Lord and will never be impatient or worry again... However, I am as human as they come- and while God has shown me again and again that he always comes through I still awaken and have to tell my soul to "get with the program".

I am so grateful that my Lord is gracious and does not hold my faults against me, but is proud of the maturity I've gained.

With many bumps, bruises, tears and even scars I move forward. Because he knew it all along.
I'm leaving San Angelo on 10/19/11 and beginning work in Midland the following day. I have so much more to share about my experiences over the past months but I guess that will come with time.


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