Sunday, June 28, 2009


Driving down the road... A great song comes on the radio... Singing along with my pup's panting head enjoying the breeze...and...
and a whimper...
My super intelligent dog decided to jump out of a moving car!
I look back to see him lying in the road crying.
"Did I hit him with my back tires? Oh my gosh, we're gonna have to go to the emergency vet clinic, Stupid dog, poor baby, shoot this is going to be expensive!..."
~all these things flashing in my mind as I go to pick up my pup...
I pick him up and put him in the back seat, a friend's house is just down the street so I drove over to be able to get a better look at Moose's leg.

Thank you Lord! He was able to get out of the car with minimal difficulty. A little limping but he was able to put some weight on it. After the initial shock wore off he struggled some but was able to walk quickly and he didn't appear to be in pain.

Oh the joys of Motherhood. Yes I know my children will probably not jump out of the car window, but all kinds of things happen.
Well I guess if there is anything positive in this whole experience, this is good practice~


  1. poor moose =( of course that's scary for you too!

  2. this is totally not funny but it made me laugh. crazy moose! i'm glad he's ok!!!
